Iran: Iran Fights Lonely War Against Drugs

Media Awareness ProjectSource: Detroit News

Thu, 20 Apr 2000

Iran: Iran Fights Lonely War Against Drugs

By John Daniszewski / Los Angeles Times

IRAN FIGHTS LONELY WAR AGAINST DRUGSIt Captures And Destroys Tons Of Opium Before It Can Reach The West

SORKHE KALAT, Iran — A war is being waged on the barren wastelands of eastern Iran, but few outside this country are aware of it.

On one side are the forces of the Islamic Republic, in their kelly green uniforms, baseball caps and military boots, flying ancient U.S.-made Huey helicopters or hunkered down in newly built versions of medieval fortresses.

Marshaled against them is a criminal enemy — clever, ruthless and formidably armed — made up of Afghani and Pakistani drug smugglers and their Iranian accomplices.

The criminals are intent on getting hundreds of tons of opium and heroin that are produced each year in Afghanistan safely to the desert interior of Iran, to be sold for local consumption or shipped to Turkey and Western Europe. The Iranian forces are trying to staunch the flow of drugs across their border, as a matter of religious duty and of self-interest for the Islamic government, which is vexed by signs that many bored, underemployed young people are falling into the grips of a drug epidemic.

But closing the border to traffickers is a daunting task; there are more than 1,100 miles of unpopulated, unforgiving frontier with Afghanistan and Pakistan to defend. The region is among the most brutal terrains on Earth, a melange of craggy mountains and parched desert, where temperatures can range from below freezing in the winter to well over 120 degrees in summer.

On this harsh tableau, on any given day the smugglers may kill the Iranians or the Iranians may kill the smugglers. This nation has lost more than 2,500 police officers and soldiers in the war against drug traffickers during the last 15 years, from police privates to army generals whose helicopters were shot down with Stinger missiles. More than 100 died in 1999, including 36 police officers captured in an incident in November by traffickers and executed after being tortured.

No one knows how many smugglers have died. But Iran’s prisons are bulging with the 9,000 or so apprehended since the early 1980s.

To give an example of the scale of the struggle, according to the UN:

* Each year the Iranians seize 90 percent of all opium confiscated worldwide by law enforcement agencies, and 10 percent of all heroin.

* The drugs seized by the Islamic Republic represent vast potential wealth. The Iranians say they have stopped 3 million pounds over the last two decades. The 77,000 pounds of seized uncut heroin alone — at more than $90,000 a pound — would sell on the street for about $7 billion. The Iranians destroy it in bonfires.

* Iran has deployed 30,000 police officers along its border and mounted a massive construction effort — including earthen barriers, concrete walls, barbed-wire fences and deep trenches — in an effort to dam the flow of drugs.

The problem is so acute for Iran because its neighbor, Afghanistan, accounts for three-quarters of the world’s annual production of opium, a crop that last year was estimated at a record 4,600 tons. Experts say the Taliban, the extremist Sunni Muslim movement that has conquered most of Afghanistan, uses the drug trade as a funding source. Ninety percent of the heroin consumed in Europe comes from Afghanistan, and U.S. officials fear more of it is crossing the Atlantic to North America.

MAP posted-by: Greg

Australia: PUB LTE: America No Longer The Land Of The Free

Media Awareness ProjectSource: Canberra Times (Australia)

Pubdate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000

Australia: PUB LTE: America No Longer The Land Of The Free

By Dave Michon

AMERICA NO LONGER THE LAND OF THE FREEYOUR editorial on the American Gulag is important (“It’s political if US jails 1.9 million”, CT, April 24). Australians should understand just what America seeks to export to other countries under the guise of the “Drug War”.

Last year’s veiled threats when Australia dared to hold public discourse on Drug War alternatives should convince your people what our Government is capable of.

The Soviet Union no longer exists as an exporter of tyranny. In a twist of fate, the US has inherited that position, but it seems that our people here have taken little notice.

Much of the heavy-handed nature of our Government today, they merely accept, as each new “War on X” mandates some little portion of our lauded Bill of Rights be voided.

Your editorial missed one point: the population which is not yet imprisoned has come increasingly to live in fear of this Government. There is a huge cost in basic daily living.

The national psyche has begun to cower, like all societies which have come under the boot. There has been no malignant revolution or coup d’etat; the transformation has occurred by degrees.

The Drug War has extended its influence into all areas of our society, excepting, of course, the upper strata. Your televisions will show you Americans enjoying the fruits of our burgeoning economy and, it is true, the wealthy have little to fear yet from the regime. Our country is richer than ever before, yet our Government has yanked all support for the poor.

What your editorial did not present is how the fear of government has crept into our national psyche here in America. I, for one, feel it just driving down the road. I know that if one of the ubiquitous squad cars hails me, anything is possible.

Our incredible laws of forfeiture, more “friendly fire” from the Drug War, have turned the highways into a sort of game-show for local police authorities. They get money from the seizures, incredible as that may seem.

A recent law designed to blunt criticism is a farce. The news of police tactics in Los Angeles, with that city’s planting of drugs and guns by police and its police murder of civilians, is horrifying to anyone who fits a certain profile.

To the average American our police are paramilitary thugs.

The Drug War was the seed from which the excess police powers sprung.

The average American is just like the average Australian. We want, more than anything, to be let alone. It was that way here once, but those days are gone.

I hope you learn from our experience here in the former “Land of the Free”.


Spooner, Wisconsin, USA

MAP posted-by: Derek Rea

Russia – The Siberian Side Of Aids

Media Awareness ProjectThe Moscow Times, Russia

29 Apr 2000

Russia – The Siberian Side Of Aids

By Michael Wines

THE SIBERIAN SIDE OF AIDSRelatively sheltered from the AIDS epidemic threatening the rest of the country, the Irkutsk region had – until a year ago – less than 100 registered cases of HIV infection. Now the influx of heroin has led to a dramatic rise in the spread of the deadly virus. New York Times correspondent Michael Wines reports from Eastern Siberia.

Thirteen months ago, a young man from Irkutsk’s rough-and-tumble north side appeared at the government railroad workers’ hospital complaining of a head wound suffered in a family fight. A blood work-up soon showed that it was the least of his problems: He was also infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

This in itself was unusual for the Irkutsk region – a Siberian expanse big enough to accommodate France and England in one gulp. Since health officials started keeping AIDS statistics in 1991 – four years after the country’s first case was officially recorded – the region had seen fewer than 200 HIV infections. But when a second north-side man checked into another hospital for an operation a few days later, only to test positive for HIV, the officials decided to investigate.

What they found is still resounding through Irkutsk. The two men, it turned out, attended Vocational School 44, a training institute for river-transport workers. Further tests uncovered six more HIV cases among their class mates. All eight shared another deadly trait: They were addicted to heroin, which first appeared in the city’s drug subculture only six or seven months earlier.

Today, a region that had hardly heard of AIDS a year ago has recorded 5,000 new cases of HIV infection and registered more than 8,500 drug addicts. Those are the official statistics: The true figures could be 10 times higher, officials say.

Why are the official statistics so much lower? Partly because many of those in the high-risk groups are reluctant to be tested. They are not only afraid of knowing the results, but of the consequences of being targeted as a carrier of HIV. Anonymous testing centers are still few and far between – with only 300 cites throughout the country. In many cases those who obtained positive test results from less than anonymous clinics have been reported to the local authorities.


Perhaps nowhere else throughout the country have HIV infections grown as explosively as they have in Irkutsk. Heroin has proved to be the deadly catalyst in this epidemic. It has fueled a sharp rise in drug use and encouraged the needle sharing that helps to spread AIDS.

“It’s a fire there,” said Arkadiusz Majszyk, the UN AIDS representative. “And nobody is paying attention.”

If it is a fire, then the rest of the country is surely smoldering. The number of HIV-infected people is small so far – 33,000 by official estimates, perhaps 300,000 by international ones – but the potential for growth is huge.

The United Nations says the virus’ spread is accelerating and could move beyond drug users if preventive measures are not taken. Already 40 percent of the country’s prostitutes, who often use drugs, are HIV-positive.

The growing prevalence of venereal diseases makes sexual transmission of the virus even easier. “Our experience shows that a rise in the infection rate of diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis is usually an indicator that a jump in HIV infection rates will follow,” said one Moscow doctor who treats prostitutes and their clients for sexually transmitted diseases.

“Many clients are aware of the risk of getting AIDS, but they still prefer not to use a condom when the seek they services of a prostitute,” he said. “And for a little extra cash, the women are willing to engage in unsafe sex.”

“In the regions where the outbreak of the epidemic among intravenous drug users was registered earlier, a new stage of the epidemic is now developing driven by the sexual transmission of the virus,” said Majszyk, explaining that commercial sex workers are the gateway through which the virus that causes AIDS reaches the rest of the population. “Clients, who are generally not drug users, come back home and transmit the disease to their wives and partners.”


The United Nations recently joined local counterparts to announce a new effort to halt the epidemic. This June the U.N. will support a conference bringing together regional and federal officials along with potential foreign donors to tackle the problem.

“We try to help get people together to speak the same language and attack the HIV-related problems without overlapping,” said Majszyk. “A two-tiered strategy is required, including systemic HIV prevention measures and an adequate response to urgent needs. The most urgent issue to address is the problem of prevention among intravenous drug users and commercial sex workers,” said Majszyk.

“The most effective means of avoiding an epidemic among drug users is harm reduction,” said Majszyk. This technology, which uses syringe exchanges to protect and educate the high-risk population, has proven to be a very effective means of prevention in other parts of the world, said Majszyk.

To date some 30 syringe exchanges have sprung up throughout the country providing information about avoiding HIV infection along with clean needles and syringes – but these efforts have not been able to reach the masses.

“Take the St. Petersburg bus,” said Majszyk, referring to one of the first syringe exchange programs implemented. “Some 150 drug users come to the bus every day, but there are 70,000 people injecting drugs daily throughout the city. Over the next few years we want to reach 60 percent of the drug user population with prevention programs and information.”

But in order for these prevention programs to work, Majszyk says, they take time. And time is in short supply in Irkutsk. Heroin and HIV have already penetrated virtually every corner of this vast region, a hodgepodge of pristine forest and permafrost, dying company towns and smoky industrial cities.

Heroin has surfaced in Bodaibo, a mountain-ringed gold-mining outpost reachable only by small plane, and in Ust-Kut, a northern river port whose shipping business has all but dried up. There is HIV in Mama, a moribund mica-mining village some 640 kilometers north of here, and in Bratsk, a good-sized manufacturing center far down the north-flowing Angara River.

The Irkutsk region is home to about 2 million people. Simple math says the rate of HIV infection is somewhere between one in 40 and one in 400. “But you really have to measure it against the number of youth,” because drug use and HIV are largely confined to the young, said Yelena A. Lyustritskaya, who heads a government commission on drug abuse. “And in the Irkutsk region there are 300,000 people between the ages of 14 and 28. So it turns out that every third or fourth young man at age 18 or 20 takes drugs.”

No one knows the infection rate among those users. But Dr. Maxim Medvedev, who screens addicts for a private rehabilitation program called Siberia Without Drugs, says roughly three of every 10 people he examines have the AIDS virus.

At the government’s principal rehabilitation center, 40 of the 62 inpatients are infected with HIV. Talk to some of the current and reformed addicts at that center, a tidy but rundown and cheerless place, and those numbers do not seem so outlandish.

“We used to be the department for glue sniffers,” one of the center’s doctors said. “There is only one sniffer here now. There are no alcoholics. They are all drug addicts.”


A buzz-cut 16-year-old who switched from opium to heroin said he believed that he had gotten HIV by sharing his needle late last year. He may understand how the virus is transmitted, but there are many outlandish theories circulating among the infected – a sign that AIDS prevention programs have a long way to go before they reach the high-risk groups. One common theory explaining the rise of the epidemic, said one 17-year-old with HIV and hepatitis, is that outsiders salted the heroin with the ground-up bones of African AIDS victims.

“The countries that supply us don’t have anything, only fruits,” he said. “Siberia’s rich, and they want everybody here to die.”

Natalya Kozhevnikova, a 27-year-old from a small diamond-mining town, said many addicts there began using drugs at age 12 or 13. “There is nothing to do – no movie theaters, no discos, nothing,” she said.

Lelia Starodumova, 23, was a swimming champion and model before she started taking opium four years ago. Now she and her husband are heroin addicts, and she carries HIV. “Ninety-nine percent of drug addicts have HIV,” she said blandly. “The only ones who aren’t sick are the ones who haven’t had their blood tested.”

In a bleak two-room apartment across town, opposite the ramshackle factory that produces the country’s top fighter jet, the Su-30, Andrei Kurnosov, a 30-year-old addict, said he had been on drugs for nine years. When he began, he said, he was among the top five in his law class, hoping for a chance to study in the United States. Now he practices petty thievery and rolls small-time drug sellers for the 150 rubles – about $5 – he needs daily to finance his habit. Kurnosov says he has avoided HIV through blind luck. He has shared needles with other addicts, the last time three months ago, although he knows the dangers. “You don’t care, when you need a dose,” he said. “The fear of remaining sober and in pain overwhelms any fear of sickness.”

Heroin’s death grip on its victims offers some explanation of why HIV has raced through Irkutsk’s addict population. Opium, whose less insistent craving grants a user some time to find a clean syringe, once was the drug of choice. But unlike heroin, which needs only water for it to be injected, opium must be carefully cooked and mixed.

So when heroin suddenly appeared some 18 months ago, addicts switched en masse. It first came in liquid form – in bottles or already-loaded syringes – and groups of users filled their syringes from the same bottle, raising the odds that one infected addict would contaminate many others.

Today heroin comes as a powder wrapped in paper “checks,” Russian slang for the cash-register tapes that they resemble. Fifty-ruble and 100-ruble checks are sold almost brazenly, from newsstands and bread kiosks and by loitering dealers, in any number of open-air drug markets around town.

Addicts say many police officers have been bought off, and this may be true. In one muddy north-side market named Trety Posyolok, or Third Settlement, a militia jeep cruised past knots of dealers and addicts twice in 10 minutes one recent afternoon.

Officially, of course, the police deny being on the take. They claim the heroin trade is ballooning despite their best efforts to stop it.


The drug comes by truck from Afghanistan and Tajikistan, far to the west of Irkutsk, and is distributed throughout Siberia from the western Siberian city of Novosibirsk.

Irkutsk’s militia seized about 180 kilograms of drugs last year, well ahead of previous years but a pittance in comparison with the total traffic. Smugglers vacuum-pack heroin or hide it in shipments of rotting onions to deter drug sniffing dogs. More and more, the trade has shifted from individual freelancers to organized crime.

“It’s difficult to control the flow,” said the deputy chief of the eastern Siberia militia, Pyotr Kobalchok. “We’ve even arrested members of the Tajikistan special services who were escorting the smugglers. It’s that well organized.”

Beneath such frustration over Irkutsk’s plight runs a subtle but pointed undercurrent: This region never had such problems when the Soviet Union existed. Addiction and AIDS are among the consequences of freedom and capitalism that Westerners neglected to mention when communist rule ended a decade ago.

Indeed, it is not just in Siberia where officials are blaming the spread of AIDS on the country’s open borders. The fear of HIV, which is perceived to be an imported disease, led to the implementation of a controversial law passed in 1995 requiring all foreigners requesting a visa for longer than three months to take an AIDS test. Among the many outspoken critics of the law were medical experts who accused legislators of trying to shut the barn door after the horse was loose.

Law-enforcement officials unanimously blame the drug problem on the opening of Soviet borders and the loosening of government control over ordinary people.

“Back then, there were no charter flights,” said Nikolai Pushkar, chief of the eastern Siberia transport militia, which battles drug smuggling. “Everything was state-owned, and it wasn’t possible to negotiate with the state. In the past only the president could have his own plane. Now anyone with money can have a plane.”

“No matter how much we criticize the Soviet system, there was a certain ideology. We were educated in an absolutely different way,” Pushkar added. “Of course, there were abuses when the state interfered with family life.

“But there were standards then.”

Irkutsk has declared its own war on both of its epidemics, hiring new narcotics police, printing educational brochures and changing the school curriculum to promote what officials call “the healthy way of life.” But beyond telling people to just say no to drugs, officials have not done much to prevent the spread of HIV among addicts and have no immediate plans to do so.

Proven AIDS-preventive measures, like providing drug addicts with sterile needles or bottles of virus-killing bleach, remain on the drawing board – in part, some critics say, because politicians believe they amount to an endorsement of drug use.

Indeed, although prevention is the best method of battling the virus, many regions throughout the country are reluctant to endorse public AIDS awareness campaigns. “In many schools the theme [of sex and drug use] is still taboo,” said Irina Savchenko, the health ministry’s representative to the federal center for AIDS prevention. “They believe that just discussing these subjects will result in greater sexual activity and drug use among pupils.”

“We had contact with different people last year, including people from foreign countries where such programs are implemented,” said Dmitry Piven, the Irkutsk region’s deputy head of health care. “Since there are different schemes, we are choosing an optimal one for ourselves.” Piven said officials would try to put new preventive measures into effect among addicts before year’s end.

The addict Kurnosov – his gaunt, rheumy face a contrast to hands swollen grotesquely by repeated injections – said that would be too late for many addicts. For many others, it already is.

“The generation of the ’70s is dying,” he said. “The generation of the ’80s is already dead – not all, not 100 percent. But 50 percent are killing themselves.”

MAP posted-by: Derek Rea

Australia: For Users, Writing Is On The Wall

Media Awareness Project27 Apr 2000

The Age, (Australia)

Australia: For Users, Writing Is On The Wall

By Sally Finlay, Urban Affairs Reporter

In the grounds of Wesley Mission in central Melbourne a small shed has a sign that reads: “This is not yet an injecting facility.”Now that independent MP Russell Savage has stated his opposition to injecting rooms, it looks unlikely to ever become one.

Wesley Mission yesterday urged Mr Savage to further consider backing a carefully controlled trial between now and the spring session of Parliament, when he will cast a vote on the controversial legislation.

“Mr Savage is right when he says something is going very wrong – there is a very serious heroin problem,” said Judy Leitch,the managing director of Wesley Mission in Melbourne.

Wesley has spent $400,000 on an injecting facility that remains unopened in the Lonsdale Street church grounds.

Ms Leitch said supervised injecting facilities were one part of an overall drug strategy and her recent tour of European cities had convinced her that Australia should commit itself to a trial.

“We heard from city council officers that communities who were initially opposed to them are now very supportive of them,” she said.

On the other side of the building that Wesley has designated for an injecting room a different sign was painted. In large green letters it said: “Residents say no.” By the time The Age left, the sign was already being painted over.

Last week Ross, who says he has been a heroin user for 14 years – almost half his life at 30 – had reason to believe the small shed and adjoining building would become a room where he could use heroin privately and safely.

“It wouldn’t be in any one’s face then,” he said. “You wouldn’t get stood over by someone threatening to bash you for your hit and it would help save lives.”

Yesterday Ross said the response from Mr Savage to the recommendations in the Penington report was disappointing. “He probably has no idea what goes on, most of them (politicians) wouldn’t,” he said.

Ross and fellow user Karen, 29, said they would both use an injecting room, and now use laneways because there is no alternative. “It would clean up the dirty needles you see everywhere and make it safer for everyone,” said Karen.

Felony charges in Sweden for drug-free hemp products.

Felony charges in Sweden for drug-free hemp products.
May 2000

Thomas G, the owner of the Swedish company Psychedelic Bookstore was raided by police with a search warrant on April 7, and then locked up in a jail cell for 12 days.

His company sells mainly books about entheogenics and the psychedelic experience (books
which are perfectly legal in Sweden), but as they are a part of the pro-hemp movement they also have sold items such as Swiss sweet cannabis pastilles and the german product “Knaster Hanf”
which is a smoking mixture based on hemp.

None of these products are psychoactive drugs in any sense of the word, but they do of course contain material from the cannabis plant.

This was enough for the prosecutor to charge Thomas with aggravated crime against the Swedish laws against narcotics, which has a mandatory sentence of at least 2 years in prison, and up to 10 years.

Apart from selling books and drug-free hemp products, Thomas is also the most active and visible member of the Swedish legalization movement.

There is therefore serious concern that he was raided not by mistake, but for calculated political reasons.

Web links

Psychedelic Bookstore:

Knaster smoking mixtures:

Swiss cannabis pastilles:

Myanmar: Notorious Drug Lord At Death’s Door

Media Awareness Project03 May 2000 Straits Times (Singapore)

Myanmar: Notorious Drug Lord At Death’s Door

Author: James East

NOTORIOUS DRUG LORD AT DEATH’S DOORMYANMAR’S most notorious drug lord, Khun Sa, is semi-paralysed and is not expected to last the year, according to sources close to him.

Friends say he is becoming increasingly feeble and forgetful and cannot get out of bed without help.

Khun Sa, once the most-wanted man on the United States’ list of international drug dealers, lives in Yangon inside a military intelligence compound.

The military junta has refused consistently to extradite him following a 1996 deal in which he abandoned his ethnic Mong Tai Army (MTA) and his Homong base in Shan state. The MTA, a former enemy of the junta, then broke apart.

Plans for him to retire to his former stronghold in eastern Myanmar, where he once commanded 15,000 heavily armed troops, had apparently been abandoned, said the Thai-based Shan Herald News Agency.

It quoted a former attendant as saying that Khun Sa was on his last legs.

“He has to be spoon-fed. If he tries to help himself, he ends by spilling everything over his clothes,” she said. “His mouth keeps going awry making his speech unintelligible. He also has trouble remembering anything.”

She added that Khun Sa’s physicians were whispering that it would be a miracle if he lived out the year.

The agency, an independent news service partly-funded by financier George Soros’ Open Society organisation, is respected by human rights groups for its information gathering.

Even if Khun Sa wanted to return to the Shan state, sources say there is little left for him.

His three homes in Homong and two other houses south in Mongmai were cleared out by his mistresses.

They whisked his valuable furniture off to Thailand or to Tachilek on the Myanmar side of the border. The homes are now surrounded by overgrown grass and bush.

Khun Sa’s life now is a far cry from his glory days in the 90s when his army trafficked hundreds of tonnes of heroin into Thailand and onto the international market. Shan Herald Agency founder, Khuensai Jaiyen, said Khun Sa’s present home was “nothing flashy”.

“It is not his normal standard of living,” he said.

In a letter written reportedly to one of former aides in Thailand he spoke about his desire to return to the Shan state.

“Even if I got nabbed by US drug agents, my life in the American jail would fare even better than here in Yangon?” Khun Sa wrote.

However, in spite of his poor health, his legacy appears to live on.

Last year the Myanmar Defence Ministry stated that his surrender terms included a no-trafficking clause.

But observers claim Khun Sa has been granted public transport concessions in Shan state by the government, which allows him to control trafficking. He is also involved in gem trading and construction businesses.

According to the Shan Herald Agency, Khun Sa’s second son, Chang Weikang — one of eight children — is now building a power base in Shan state.

A new militia, ultimately falling under his control, is being established.



Born Chang Chi Fu

Former head of the now-defunct Shan United Army (SUA), also known as the Mong Thai Army (MTA), which for 20 years fought against the authorities in Yangon. MTA was a dominant force in South-east Asia’s narcotics trade and the world’s largest producer of heroin prior to capitulating to government forces in 1996.

Wanted on US federal drug violations in the Eastern District of New York, including conspiracy, importation of, and possession with intent to distribute heroin in US.

Tops a US list of five wanted narcotics kingpins

US$2 million (S$3.4 million) reward had been offered for information leading to his arrest or conviction in the US.

MAP posted-by: Richard Lake

Malaysia: Teen Jailed For Life Gets Extra Caning

Media Awareness Project04 Apr 2000 Source: Star (Malaysia)

Malaysia: Teen Jailed For Life Gets Extra Caning

TEEN JAILED FOR LIFE GETS EXTRA CANINGMUAR: A teenager who was sentenced by a Sessions Court last week to

life imprisonment and six strokes of the rotan for having a ganja plant received another two years’ jail and three more strokes yesterday–this time from a magistrate’s court — for possessing 37gm of ganja.

Mohd Naziff Ahmad, 18, from Jalan Temenggong Ahmad, who was charged under Section 6, read together with Section 39A(1)(f) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, pleaded guilty before magistrate Abdul Ghafar Abdul Latif.

Mohd Naziff was arrested on Nov 10 last year with 16 packets of ganja weighing a total of 37gm.

Prosecuting officer Chief Insp R. Balakrishnan told the court Mohd Naziff was charged on March 30 with having a ganja plant and was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Sessions Court.

The magistrate ordered the two-year sentence to run concurrently with the life imprisonment which Mohd Naziff received from the higher court four days ago.

On March 30, Mohd Naziff pleaded guilty when he was charged under Section 6D(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 in the sessions court with having the ganja plant.

MAP posted-by: Allan Wilkinson

Colombia: A War Without End?


Colombia: A War Without End?

By Sanho Tree

Reprinted from the Razor Wire a publication of the November Coalition

Drugs today are cheaper and more available than ever before.

Will escalating a failed drug control policy produce a different result?

Our drug czar, General Barry McCaffrey, seems to think so.

In January, General McCaffrey unveiled the administration’s aid package for

Our militarized drug strategy overwhelmingly emphasizes drug eradication, interdiction and
law enforcement when studies show that these are the least effective means of reducing
illicit drug use.

A landmark study of cocaine markets by the conservative RAND Corporation found that, dollar
for dollar, providing treatment to cocaine users is 10 times more effective than drug interdiction
schemes and 23 times more cost effective than eradicating coca at its source.

According to the General Accounting Office, Colombian officials “seized a record amount of coca
products in 1998 almost 57 metric tons and had also destroyed 185 cocaine laboratories…
[However] there has not been a net reduction in processing or exporting refined cocaine from
Colombia or in cocaine availability within the United States.”

After $625 million in US counter narcotics assistance to Colombia between 1990-98, Colombia
actually surpassed Peru and Bolivia to become the world’s largest coca producer.

If decreasing drug use is the ultimate goal, why aren’t we putting more resources into domestic
demand reduction where each dollar spent is 23 times more effective than eradication?

General McCaffrey’s drug control budget is simply upside down two thirds of the budget still
focuses on law enforcement and “supply reduction” while one third is expected to cover drug
treatment, education and prevention.

Our drug czar has staked his reputation on a futile “supply reduction” strategy, and now we are
militarizing the entire region in a last ditch attempt to salvage a failed policy.

Colombia’s conflict is driven by social, political, and economic forces sending guns and helicopters
will not remedy poverty and hunger.

The region is in desperate need of a mini Marshall Plan, but General McCaffrey’s response is to
send them Desert Storm.

We can help Colombia address issues of poverty and inequality, but not by sending them more

In order to justify more than a billion dollars in military aid, our drug warriors are now invoking
the specter of a leftist insurgency that has been making advances in the four decade old
Colombian civil war.

Although all parties in the Colombian conflict have been involved in drug trafficking, General
McCaffrey is promoting only the “narcoguerilla” as the bogeyman.

He told reporters last July that it is “silly at this point” to try to differentiate between antidrug
efforts and the war against insurgent groups. Compare that statement with what McCaffrey told
reporters two years before:

“Let there be no doubt: We are not taking part in counter guerrilla operations.” Thanks to mission
creep, our counter narcotics policy has now drawn us into the Colombian civil war.

The potential for a Vietnam style quagmire in Colombia is alarming.

Once again, there is no definition of “victory”, no clear articulation of objectives, and no exit strategy.

Are we aiming for a 20%, 50% or 100% reduction in drug production?

Or are we trying to push the guerrillas south of the equator or are we trying to “degrade” their
military capability?

Or will the war end when US drug use completely disappears?

There is no capital city to occupy, no enemy flag to seize, and no geographic high ground to

How many Colombians are we prepared to sacrifice for such undefined objectives?

Americans have a right to know what goals we must achieve before we can declare success
and go home. This military assistance is the first in a series of blank checks in a war that
has no endgame.

General Charles Wilhelm, the head of US military forces in Latin America, told Congress the
Colombian military must gain some battlefield victories in order to bargain with the rebels
from a position of strength.

Isn’t this the kind of fuzzy, flexible objective that kept us in the Vietnam quagmire?

And, if the Colombian military begins to win some victories, the hawks may abandon peace
Negotiations completely in the illusory hope of defeating the rebels.

Do our elected representatives think it ethical for the US to escalate the vicious civil war in
Colombia, risking the lives of peasants and indigenous people caught in the crossfire, to
stop Americans from buying drugs? If so, they need a reality check.

How can we eliminate drugs from the Andes when we can’t even keep them out of our own

It is simply wishful thinking and political scapegoating to believe poor countries such as
Colombia and Mexico can remedy the US demand for illicit drugs.

Until we provide adequate resources for drug treatment, rehabilitation and prevention,
the US will continue to consume billions of dollars worth of drugs and impoverished peasants
will continue to grow them.

If the drug war was evaluated like most other federal programs, we would have tried different
strategies long ago. But our current policy seems to follow its own unique logic.

A decline in drug use becomes evidence that we should invest more money and resources in
the National Drug Control Strategy because it is working.

A rise in drug use becomes proof that we are not doing enough to fight drugs, and must redouble
our efforts and funding.

Under this unsustainable dynamic, funding and incarceration rates can only rachet upward.

Our so called War on Drugs has become an unending war against our own citizens and against
our neighbors in this hemisphere.

It is time to consider alternative policies that reduce the harm caused by drug abuse as well as
reduce the harm caused by the drug war it self.

Holland: Trio May Have Been Murdered For Informing

Media Awareness ProjectThe Irish Times 05 May 2000

Holland: Trio May Have Been Murdered For Informing

Author: Jim Cusack

TRIO MAY HAVE BEEN MURDERED FOR INFORMINGPositive identification of the three Irishmen who are believed to have been brutally murdered in the Netherlands may not be established for some time, according to officials here.

One of the theories police are investigating is that the three, from the west of Ireland, were killed by major drug-dealers who suspected one or other of them of passing information to police about drugs shipments.

A number of major drugs shipments have been intercepted by Dutch police and the Garda in the past two to three years, and it has been clear for some time that the police have been acting on good “inside” information.

One of the last major drugs shipments bound for Ireland, which was intercepted in the Netherlands two months ago, contained a large amount of the synthetic drugs, ecstasy and amphetamine.

According to Dutch police sources quantities of amphetamine were discovered at the apartment in the seaside resort of Scheveningen where the three were killed last Saturday. It is also understood police recovered a tablet press, which was being used for manufacturing either ecstasy or amphetamine tablets, or both.

It also appeared yesterday that the investigation into the murders is being stepped up after behind-the-scenes diplomatic and Garda representations. There were concerns earlier in the week that the investigation was being given a low priority because the victims were foreign nationals and apparently involved in the drug trade.

However, the Dutch public prosecutor in charge of the case, Ms Hannele Ehelmans, said yesterday that 18 police officers were now involved in the investigation and that it was being given a “very high priority”.

Dutch police and the Garda are withholding confirmation of the identities of the murdered men until the completion of DNA analysis, fingerprint tests and dental records. They are still trying to establish the identity of a Northern Ireland woman whose passport was found in the apartment.

Ms Ehelmans, an officer in the public prosecutor’s office in The Hague, said yesterday identification had been impeded because of the extent of the “mutilation” and burns on the bodies.

According to unofficial police sources the three victims were subjected to torture, suffering broken limbs and mutilation before being shot dead. Their bodies were then piled together in the bathroom of the apartment, doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire.

Fears that five Irish people might have been killed in the incident lessened yesterday when it emerged that at least one of five passports found in the apartment was stolen.

The passport was taken in Amsterdam over a year ago from a Co Limerick man who reported the theft to the Irish Embassy in the Netherlands before returning to Ireland. Yesterday he visited gardai in Fermoy, Co Cork, near where he lives, to tell them about the theft.

The Dutch police and the Garda refused yesterday to comment on the motive for the murders.

However, it is known that at least one major Irish drug-trafficker with links to a major Dutch criminal has lost two large consignments of guns and drugs in the past 17 months.

The first of these was intercepted by gardai at the Border on December 23rd, 1998. Some 750 kg of cannabis and 25 handguns and machine pistols were seized in Castleblayney in that find. There were reports at the time that the guns were destined for the “Real IRA”, which was responsible for the Omagh bombing in August 1998.

Dutch police in Amsterdam intercepted the second consignment on March 13th last. In that seizure some 600kg of cannabis, 50kg of amphetamine and 100,000 ecstasy tablets were recovered along with 15 firearms. The guns found in two Amsterdam flats included an automatic rifle, submachine guns, machine pistols and handguns.

The similarity between the two finds indicated that the same gang was responsible, and it was clear that police in the Netherlands and in the Republic were acting on reliable intelligence, probably from a source close to the gang.

MAP posted-by: Greg

Saudi Arabia: Wire: Saudi Executed for Drug Smuggling

Media Awareness ProjectAssociated Press, 1 May 2000

Saudi Arabia: Wire: Saudi Executed for Drug Smuggling

SAUDI EXECUTED FOR DRUG SMUGGLINGRIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – A Saudi convicted of drug smuggling was beheaded Monday in northern Saudi Arabia, an Interior Ministry statement said.

Amer al-Roueili was executed in the province of al-Jouf, said the statement. He was convicted of smuggling hashish and other drugs to Saudi Arabia, said the statement. It said al-Roueili was also found guilty of financing drug smugglers.

It did not give any other details.

The execution, carried out with a sword in a public square, brought the number of people beheaded in the kingdom this year to 25. At least 99 people were executed last year.

Saudi Arabia’s interpretation of Islamic law mandates the death penalty for murder, rape, drug trafficking, sodomy or armed robbery.

Human rights organizations complain that the accused often are denied access to lawyers and do not receive fair trials.

MAP posted-by: Richard Lake