Monthly Archives: April 2013


After the War on Drugs

Published by Drugreporter (

After the War on Drugs
- learn from our videohow a post-prohibition world will look like

By sarosip

Created 2009-12-18 17:19

We talk so much about ending the war on drugs – but do we really know how a post-prohibition world may look like? We know that we want the government and not the criminal organizations to control the drug market – but how different drugs will be taxed and regulated? What are there models for regulation and control? What lessons we learnt from the story of tobacco and alcohol, how can we avoid the same problems when we legalize currently illegal drugs? Should we regulate marijuana and heroin in the same way, or adjust the legislation to the specific risks of different drugs?
Transform Drug Policy Foundation, a London-based think tank presented its report on legal regulation of durgs at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We interviewed leading drug policy reformers – such as Ethan Nadelmann [1], Danny Kuschlick [2], Mark Haden [3] and Sanho Tree [4]- at the conference to give answers to the questions raised above.
If you would like to learn more, we advise you to download Transform’s report [5] and visit Mark Haden’s website [3], where you can find several other resources.

Åra som går…

Åra som går…

En video om Norske forhold for stofbrugere i 2008

Gjennom mesteparten av 90-tallet hadde Norge den tvilsomme ære av å toppe Europas overdosestatistikk, og Oslo ble kalt
Europas narko-hovedstad.Hva er status i norsk narkotika politikk ti år senere? Hva er situasjonen for Oslos rusmissbrukere i dag?

Vi treffer både brukere, x-brukere, og et utvalg av folk med spesiell faglig kompetanse fra arbeid i rusfeltet. Det blir fort klart at det
på tross av enkelte forbedringer er en lang vei igjen. Norge ligger fortsatt høyt på overdosestatistikken. Narkohelvetet er fortsatt
et sant Helvete. Narkomane er fortsatt en pariakaste uten de samme menneskerettigheter som vi andre tar for gitt.
Det er sjokkerende å høre historier fra de narkomanes møte med norsk helsevesen. Og det kuttes på rehabiliterings-tilbud
selv om det er lange ventelister. I stedet for rehabilitering tilbys fengsel. Over 60% av innsatte i norske fengsler sitter
for narkorelaterte dommer.

Norsk narkotikapolitikk er med andre ord fortsatt en katastrofe. Hvem er ansvarlige? Hvem har ønsket den
politikken som har blitt ført og som fortsatt blir ført? Hvem har ønsket en alternativ (ev.bedre) politikk?
I filmen møter du begge sidene. Både representanter fra narkotikapolitiske lobbyorganisajoner
som har hadt innflytelse og ansvarlige politikere. Du treffer også representanter for de som
har ønsket en alternativ politikk, men som ikke har hadt innflytelse.

Vi får innsikt gjennom fagfolkenes spesielle kompetanse, men kansje enda mer gjennom
brukerenes egne erfaringer. Vi får innsikt i hvordan det er å være fattig narkoman i
verdens rikeste land. Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å slutte? Vi møter død, angst, og
lengsel. Hvis du ikke har vert forfulgt av disse demonene selv, så er det umulig
å forstå hvorfor noen mennesker injiserer livsfarlig heroin i årene sine for å slippe unna dem noen timer.

Du treffer blant andre: Knut Jansen, =Oslo, Arild Knutsen, For human narkotika politikk, Knut Storberget, Justisminister, Laila Gustavsen,
Statssekretær AI-Dep, Knut T. Reinås, Forbundet mot rusgift, Anne Karin Kolstad, Generalsek. ACTIS, Erling Folkvord, Oppsøkende tjeneste.

Horizon TV present Mr. Jack Cole a former high ranking Police officer / now working for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

  • Horizon TV present Mr. Jack Cole a former high ranking Police officer / now working for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

 se mere på

Horizon TV present Mr. Jack Cole a former high ranking Police officer / undercover narcotic officer / secret federal agent – in the early 70’ies responsible for more than 1.000 persons arrested – now working for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), who’s promoting a full drugs legalization – as a sensible end to the War on Drugs and to call an end of the more than eight decades prohibition era.

You can get over a drug addiction but you can never overcome a drug conviction. Sale of illicit drugs generates more than 400 billion US dollars annually.

Prohibition caused institutionalized racism with 1.6 million yearly arrests.

Her findes en 4 min. videoreportage omkring heroinbehandlingen i Holland, CCBH, Jan. 2002.

Her findes en 4 min. videoreportage omkring heroinbehandlingen i Holland, CCBH, Jan. 2002. – og vælg her din foretrukne fremviser.

The Central Committee on the Treatment of Heroin Addicts (CCBH) was installed by the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports of the Netherlands in 1996. The task of the CCBH is to report to the Minister about the intended and unintended effects of medical prescription of heroin to heroin addicts who have benefited insufficiently from the currently available treatments.


Gadejuristen – The Danish Street Lawyers

Gadejuristen – The Danish Street Lawyers

By sarosip
Created 2009-09-23.

The Street Lawyers (Gadejuristen) [1] provide a fascinating example of the way legal assistance can be implemented among street based drug users. The organization is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and provides legal aid to the most disadvantaged drug users in the city. In addition to sterile injecting equipment they distribute pocket size cards with questions and answers about drug laws and harm reduction. When our video team attended the meeting of the International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD) in Copenhagen in November 2008, they filmed the daily activities of the NGO (as part of our EDPI project [2]).
Street Lawyers are among the best known advocates of the human rights of drug users in Denmark and they played an important role in the promotion of innovative ways to reduce drug related harms. The Danish government made an important step two years ago when it decided to introduce heroin maintenance for the most vulnerable group of heroin users. The program will start soon. However, there is no supervised injection facility in Denmark (like Insite in Vancouver [3]), so many people use heroin on the streets, in a risky environment where they face police harassment as well. The local police designated so called no-go-zones in the city center. Homeless drug users are not allowed to enter these zones, even if this makes it difficult to approach the needle exchange service. There is still a lot to do for Gadejuristen, who celebrated their 10th birthday this year. We congratulate on their succesful advocacy efforts and wish them a happy birthday with this short movie!

Posted by Peter Sarosi

A short movie about the Street Lawyers in Copenhagen


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Krise kalder på forstærket narkobekæmpelse

13. februar 2009 kl. 17:10 på DR P1 (09:26)

Krise kalder på forstærket narkobekæmpelse

Af Peter Stokholm


Den internationale finanskrise har bragt en masse banker ud i store vanskeligheder. Den har også gjort mange af dem afhængige af penge tjent på narkohandel og andre ulovligheder.

Derfor skal den internationale bekæmpelse af narkomisbrug forstærkes i en krisesituation.

Medvirkende: Professor Mark Pieth fra Basel, formand for OECDs arbejdsgruppe for bekæmpelse af pengevask.

Samfundstanker – et radiointerview med Gadejurist Nanna Gotfredsen


uge 16 2008

Samfundstanker – et radiointerview med Gadejurist Nanna Gotfredsen

Et radio program fra p4 -Aarhus.

bl.a. om stofbrugere og prostitueredes vilkår i dagens Danmark